Dee Best Zepolle

Our Story

In 1903, my grandfather, Guiseppe DeStefano, a resident of Nola, Italy came to America. In 1919, he began selling Zeppoles and Calzones at various Italian Festivals throughout New York and New Jersey. His sons; Johnny, Jerry and Ricky continued that business and all three took on the nickname of Dee. In addition to Zeppoles and Calzones, Johnny Dee also sold Italian Sausage and Peppers in Italian Festivals and Street Fairs.

In 1934, Madeline DeStefano, Guiseppe’s daughter, and my mother, married Eddie “Dee” Donatelli from Mulberry Street, NYC. Ironically, the Dee came from Donatelli and not DeStefano. My father and mother began selling Zeppoles and Calzones in 1947 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Festival in Williamsburg under the name of “Eddie Dee’s Delicious Zeppoles and Calzones.”

I was born in 1952 and remember washing pots in the festivals for my father and uncles as early as 8 years old. I became a full “zeppole maker” when I was 12. I took over the Zeppole and Calzone business from my father and uncles in 1969. I changed the name to “Dee Best Zeppoles and Calzones,” to honor my father and uncles. I ran the business until 1999 when my son, John, Guiseppe’s great grandson, took over the business. He continues to sell Dee Best Zeppoles and Calzones at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Brooklyn, where my granddaughter, Arianna, makes most of the Calzones.

It has been a long- time dream to open a restaurant that would allow us to offer our “feast famous” Zeppoles and Calzones year-round and for generations to come. With the help of family and lifelong friends, the dream became a reality on September 29th, 2023.

Thank you for sharing in my family’s history

Joey Dee (proud owner)
